The first things to decide is when to go? Between March and the end of August Roatan has a low historic record of rain and so this gets our best choice but don't fret otherwise.
When is the best time to visit Roatan?
Here is what weatherspark has to say:
"The beach/pool score favors clear, rainless days with perceived temperatures between 75°F and 90°F. Based on this score, the best time of year to visit Coxen Hole for hot-weather activities is from mid December to late April, with a peak score in the last week of March." Source-
Is the rainy season best to avoid? Of course if possible but read on.
Well it depends if you mind a bit of rain and cloud breaking up the day. It would be unlucky of you to get caught out at this time of year without much sun on ANY day. So if you are around at this time it may not be too bad. It starts June to November. It starts to get wetter in October. Having said that New Years is a busy time. June and July can have a mini rainy season as well.
It can be hard to predict what it will be like anywhere in the tropics and Roatan is no exception.
It is predicted that on any given day there will be warmth and sun! The exception to this general rule is if you get a tropical storm that won't move and can happen in Roatan. Then there can be days of rain without much break.
Summer can be very hot indeed and so is not considered a high season as its very hot and humid. Beware the week of easter (easter week) and surrounding for the Spanish festival Semana Santa things get fully booked on the island but it can be a fun time to arrive especially if you like to party.
Getting to Roatan and Utila
Cruise Ships to Roatan - here is a link to take you to the schedules if you like to Caribbean island hop on a cruiseship.
From mainland Honduras- take the ferry from La Ceiba. Here is the ferry schedule for Roatan
It is now possible to arrange private sea borne travel between Utila and Roatan daily. This is only saving you time as it is more expensive than hitting La Ceiba and back out to the other island. Time vs Money!
If you are stopping over in Houston on your way to Roatan then we recommend The Clarion Inn Hotel. A spacious room internet pool and gym, very good mattress and 5 -10 minutes from departures. It cost us under 100 so it isnt the cheapest option included breakfast that you may be able to start before 7.30 to catch the Roatan flight.
Also there is a few good places to eat and drink a 3 minute walk away, there are a cluster of hotels here.
Findng your ideal Roatan accomodation
Finding a place to stay and planning what to do.
For a place to stay on Roatan click here > Places to stay in Roatan.
For a list of things to do on Roatan click here.
What should you take with you ?

Bug spray will make your stay more comfortable and it can be bought on the island but it is more expensive so bring a can for your first couple of nights so you don't get caught out.
Seriously don't leave it a moment the bugs will taste your 'exotic' ness and really make a mess of you. If that happens read here for some tips on what to do after sand flea or fly attack.