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26th may 2006 was born!

WHY Roatan Diving?

I was really into 2 things back then (I am editing this article in 2017 !) Roatan and scuba diving and I made make websites for a living and for a time on Roatan through Roatanet and Tortuga Digital.

I no longer get to the island but that will change again one day as my family comitments change. I therfore have not been able to update the content on this website for now.

If you would like to help with that please contact me on twitter @roatantravel.


Public Message!

Help us keep diving in Roatan extra special, don't litter especially do not throw cigarette butts into the water. And help support the Roatan Marine Park conservation.
Try to work on not kicking nor touching the reef. Try to avoid letting garbage get into the delicate ecosystem.

Roatan Scuba Apparel

roatan scuba tank top
Coming soon! Join the waiting list if you would like to get notified. Do this by sending us an email- that's it!